Most Beneficial Exercises for Heart Health | Nikolas Onoufriadis | Lifestyle

Nikolas Onoufriadis
2 min readAug 4, 2022


Heart health is one of the most important facets of a person’s life. Currently, doctors recognize heart disease as one of the biggest problems in the world, with an estimated 48 percent of Americans being affected by the condition. One of the easiest ways to combat heart disease is to begin an exercise regimen. Regular exercise has been proven to cut the chance of developing heart disease in half while also reducing stress and providing a plethora of other benefits for the body. The following exercises are specifically designed to benefit heart health and can even be performed by those who are not accustomed to regular exercise.


Walking is one of the easiest exercises to get the heart pumping. While walking increases heart rate, it is also a low-impact exercise, meaning that it will not put as big a strain on joints, unlike running or jogging. Walking is also an incredibly versatile form of exercise. A person can walk anywhere, whether it be the mall or the street outside the office. Since it is such a low-impact exercise, anyone can join a walking regimen, including young kids and the elderly. Proficient walkers can also try speed walking to give an even greater boost to their heart rate.


Like walking, swimming is a low-impact exercise that can also improve heart health. Doctors advise that swimming for heart health is more than just splashing around in the pool. Rather, medical experts recommend exercises like swimming laps and water aerobics to improve the heart health of patients. In addition to a healthy heart, swimmers will also get a full-body workout that improves muscle tone and stamina. Due to its low-impact nature, swimming is also recommended for people who suffer from joint pain and other problems with mobility.

Weight Training

Studies have found that moderate weight training can greatly improve cardiovascular health. Building muscle mass is essential for burning fat and maintaining a healthy heart. Lean muscles developed from weight training increase blood flow and thereby reduce pressure on arteries. While people often associate weight training with lifting dumbbells at their local gym, doctors advise that those interested in weight training for heart health can also benefit from exercises like push-ups and pull-ups, which yield similar results to strength training.

Originally published at on August 4, 2022.



Nikolas Onoufriadis

Nikolas Onoufriadis has been in the world of business, strategy, and operations for over 15 years. Visit to learn more.